Enkelt Male i Sri Lanka, , Enkelt inn North Central, Anuradhapura Male

Dilan84: hello...
Søker: Hunn Alder 18 til 45
Status: 39 Skilt Rett mann
Interesse i: Aktivitetspartner
Etnisitet: asiatisk
Stue: Lev av meg selv
Øyefanger: Ingen svar
Høyde: 6'1 tommer
Kropp: Atletisk og Tonet
Hår/Øyne: Svart, Svart
Røyk: Aldri
Drikke: Av og til
Trening 4 ganger i uken
Politikk: Ingen
Utdanning: Assisterende grad
Religion: buddhisme
Inntekt: Mindre enn $15.000
Okkupasjon: No Answer
Avkom: Ingen
Personlighet: Adventurous
Land: Sri Lanka

Hi everyone! Im Dilan from Sri Lanka .

I cant really describe my personality you will just have to get to know me.

Im really concerned about health and having a healthy lifestyle, I dont smoke, but drink . but I have nothing against people that do im outgoing person, which is not the case I love to go out and have fun

Im not a judgemental person and I accept people just the way they are. so dont be afraid to message me even though we dont have the exact same interest, Im pretty open about any subject and I like to talk to people that have different interests than me, Im always interested to explore new things