Enkelt Male i Zambia, , Enkelt inn Lusaka, Lusaka Male

Mainga58: mbol...
Søker: Hunn Alder 18 til 43
Status: 28 Enkelt Rett mann
Interesse i: Aktivitetspartner
Etnisitet: Svart/afrikansk
Stue: Hjemløs
Øyefanger: Bryst
Høyde: 7'11 tommer
Kropp: Atletisk og Muskuløs
Hår/Øyne: Afro, Svart
Røyk: Ja, jeg røyker
Drikke: Av og til
Trening 2 ganger i uken
Politikk: Ingen
Utdanning: Bachelor grad
Religion: Ingen preferanse
Inntekt: Mindre enn $15.000
Okkupasjon: IT
Avkom: Ingen
Personlighet: Adventurous
Land: Zambia

In our education system not much attention is given career counsel and guidance where it be primary, secondary or tertiary level. Thus the sole purpose of this project was offer a way in which a student could be helped in their career path whenever the use the application. Most organization websites these days have some kind of recommendation system installed and depending on the services the organization offers the customers is helped using the recommendation system. In our case the recommendation will help the student with their academic and career path